
Reach your entire audience, no matter how you activate.

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User Segments

Powered by Daily User Scoring technology

In programmatic advertising, audiences are a targeted group of users connected through similar website visitation behavioral patterns via their associated IDs.


Powered by ID-free® technology

Unlike traditional PMPs, we custom curate inventory for every brand across publishers, bringing customization, scale, and AI-powered performance to premium, brand-safe inventory that’s available to activate directly on your DSP of choice. 

We make this happen with our ID-free® technology. Using data from a de-identified opt-in panel, ID-free scores impression attributes to determine impression value. With first-party data, this value becomes custom for your brand. We then use AI-powered predictive targeting to reach only the most relevant inventory for your prospects.

Dstillery now supports PMP activation on any major DSP without direct API integration.

ID-free® Integration on The Trade Desk

Powered by ID-free® technology

Custom AI is available as a custom bidding algorithm with ID-free®. Using API integration to receive your brand’s first-party data, we build a custom model that uses a bidding algorithm to target directly in your DSP. It scores, ranks, and bids on the ad impressions predicted to drive the best performance for your brand. 

Dstillery’s patented ID-free® technology is integrated directly into The Trade Desk for easier-than-ever campaign activation. 

ID-free is essential to the future of ad targeting, so much so that The Trade Desk decided to integrate it directly into its platform. This integration is the easiest way to activate ID-free and achieve its best performance. It also gives you the most options for customization and optimization, including scale and pricing threshold.

The integration of ID-free in The Trade Desk uses intelligent bid factoring, determining how much every impression is worth to a brand and how much they should pay for it, instead of traditional bid factoring deciding ‘buy’ or ‘don’t buy.’ The conventional way locks in the buying decision, regardless of the impression’s cost, while ID-free optimizes your bids with AI.

Interested in learning more? Contact us today.

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